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$299.99 / Month
*Lose 15 lbs in 30 days
30 days Keto Diet Meal Plan
30 pre-recorded excercise videos
New keto diet every 30 days
Keto course- 2hr of keto education
Keto TV
$1,999.99 for 30 Days
*Lose 15 lbs-in-15 days
Certified nutrionist- Custom Keto Meal Plan.
Keto Weighloss Supplements- Guided by a certified nutritionist
Personal Trainer- 6 X 45min-session
30 Pre-recorded Excercise Video
Keto Course-2hrs Keto Education
Weight Tracking
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Bonus 2 free weeks extra!
Keto-Lean & Clean (VIP)
$4,999.99 for 90 Days
*Lose 50-100 lbs
Certified Nutrionist- Custom Keto Meal Plan.
Keto Weightloss supplements- Guided by a certified nutritionist
Personal Trainer 1 hr session 3 X Per Week
30 Pre-recorded Excercise Video
Keto Course-2hrs Keto Education
Weight Tracking
Recorded Live Zoom Training
Bonus 2 free weeks extra!
Zoom & Chat Capability with VIP group member

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